University Carbon Education Programmes & Carbon Auditor Career Trainings

In 2010, Xiamen University and GHG Management Institute initialised to create an international certificate programme of organisation carbon accounting. We accepted the invitation to design the curriculum of the core part – carbon measurement. In 2012, Mr Nigel Zhang delivered this course at Xiamen University for the first time. The National Development and Reform Commission and the National Standardisation Committee highly recognise and praise this programme and its curriculums.

Xiamen University is a public research university in Xiamen, Fujian, China. Established in 1921 by Tan Kah Kee, a member of the overseas Chinese diaspora, the university has been perennially regarded as one of the top academic institutions in Southern China, with strengths in mathematics, chemistry, oceanography, economics, management, law, communication and political science. The Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) was US based non-profit organisation to response to the current and future need for qualified greenhouse gas (GHG) professionals. GHG emissions management requires a highly competent and ethical professional class to undertake measurement, reporting, verification, and mitigation activities.

We also designed a similar curriculum for the Graduate School of Peking University, Shenzhen Campus.

This tailored curriculum is more focused on the transportation industry and car industry. It tries to encourage young people to re-evaluate the carbon footprint of electric vehicles from the perspective of the product lifecycle.

We are proud of supporting three Chinese key 3rd party entities to be qualified as designated operational entities (DOE) at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

 (UNFCCC). We provided serious career training for their carbon auditor candidates. The UNFCCC accepted and retains the training records to prove the competencies of carbon emission reduction project validation and verification of these entities. These entities are China Quality Certification Centre (CQC, E-0044), China Environmental United Certification (CEC, E-0034), and China Classification Society (CCS, E-0046).

We also provided an in-house carbon auditor career training programme for TÜV Rheinland Group, a German certification entity, which is one of the first UN-accredited DOEs. Meanwhile, we delivered a series of career training of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) capability building projects funded by the European Union, France and Denmark governments.

Left: Carbon Auditor Training at CCS; Right: CDM Consultants Training funded by France government in Guangxi Province, China.

  • Category

    Career Training / Education
  • Year

  • Certificate Programme

    Xiameng University & GHG Management Institute
  • non-Certificate Programm

    Graduate School of Peking University
  • CDM Capability Building

    29 Provinces in China
  • Carbon Auditor Training

    4 DOEs